Archive for March, 2013

Quick Update

I’m alive. I’m still playing WoW way too much. Just been concentrating on getting my mining alt up to Panda land so I can gather my own Ghost Iron Ore for Elfi to use in her transmute. I finally made it to the Jade Forest last night. Too bad I can’t fly or else I’d just stop here. Lol.

I’ve also been working some voluntary overtime and I’ve had a touch of the blues coupled with exhaustion. As a result, things have been quiet here but I’m quite certain I’ll be back to blathering about all my normal nonsense in no time. 🙂

Since I’m currently a tad bit emo, this seems like a good post to include the picture of my Blood Elf I took when she got smashed up against a giant mushroom in Zangarmarsh and the camera didn’t know what to do. It reminds me of a typical profile picture from an emo teenager.

belf profile pic