Archive for November, 2013

And The Winner Is ….

For worst designed path to flightmaster in all of WoW – (drumroll please) – Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands

Here’s a detailed look into how this was chosen as the winner!

Coming in HOT! Nope, forgot to jump
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-11-51-95

Jumped! Oh, fuck me
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-12-21-93

Coming back around! MOVE YOU FUCKING BIRD
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-12-59-70

Woo, I got this now! OMG, it’s Deadman’s Curve
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-12-48-34

I can see the top! Nope, forgot to jump
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-13-56-30

Jumped! Oh, fuck me
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-14-00-55

Coming in HOT! A little too hot…
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-13-25-53

Screw you Deadman’s Curve! Oh fml, hang on
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-13-33-16

VICTORY! And only 20 seconds faster than it would have taken me to run to Stormwind
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-15-40-60

The One Where I’ve Had A Bit Of Good Luck

The feeling of excitement from being able to attend Blizzcon may not wear off for a while, but things have returned to normal regardless. I’m back home, back to work, back to the Timeless Isle and working on using LFR to practice SoO in the hopes I might one day get a chance to go through there on flex.

The first step, however, was to actually finish the last stage of ToT which I had never completed. I really have no good excuse for that. It was combination of laziness, not having friends to queue up with, too busy standing idly in Stormwind chatting with my guildies, herbing.. you know, all the standard excuses. But I took care of the problem by queueing immediately and got that out of the way so I could head into SoO knowing I had done everything prior. I’m totally glad I decided to do it too because my Treasures of the Thunder King bag contained a Cracked Primal Egg and in 3 days I had myself a shiny new Red Primal Raptor mount. (Note: these things aren’t very red at all)

dino mount

In between trying to actually earn valor on Elfi for the purpose of upgrading gear and finally being respectable and trying to get back into the habit of keeping up with my Tillers farm on all 3 of my level 90’s, I did manage to get some time in on the Timeless Isle and was super excited to have 2 pets drop for me this week. Hooray for good luck!

Wow-64 2013-11-21 11-15-45-01
Wow-64 2013-11-21 11-17-22-30

Still have a lot of pets and mounts on my wishlist but these are a fine start. Maybe my luck will stick with me a little longer. I’d love to get the Ruby Droplet so I don’t have to make my way up to Garnia anymore.

My Blizzcon Experience: Part 2 – The People

While I didn’t get to meet everyone who was there who I follow on Twitter or through blogs, websites, etc., I got to meet so many amazing people. I only wish there had been more time to spend with each of them because what you need to understand about me is I’m sappy. Like, really sappy. I really LOVE my friends and I get the warm fuzzies when interacting with them. I’m kind of like a gushing 13 year old girl in that way. When I really like someone, I get all crazy excited for any opportunity I have to chat with them. I think sometimes I wear people out because I’m pretty much always excited to talk to them when there are times maybe they don’t feel like talking. But I also have a self esteem issue (again, 13 year old girl) that leaves a bit of doubt in my mind when meeting people in real life if they truly enjoy me or if they are just being polite when we chat online and are secretly rolling their eyes during our conversations. So meeting people was my highest priority for Blizzcon and was also the thing I dreaded the most. Seriously, why are we all such ridiculous basket cases? Humans. Ugh.

Obviously the most exciting ones I would meet would be my guildies. I joined Business Time in January of this year and very quickly felt comfortable and at home there. So seeing some of the people I had been talking to on such a regular basis in game was the most important to me. But as I mentioned above, I was a bit nervous that I wanted to meet them more than they wanted to meet me. That’s not a reflection of them at all, that’s totally my issue. I am a product of my raising. When you spend your childhood hearing you’re worthless and no one ever really wants to be around you it becomes entrenched in your brain, no matter how old you are now or how incorrect you know it is. It created an inner voice that won’t go away. But I am a happy person so I do my best to ignore it and power through my fears. I can usually tell within a few minutes of meeting someone face to face whether they actually think of me as a friend or if they are just someone who’s polite. Reading body language and seeing eye contact is a good indicator. Once I’ve established things are good, I relax and get over my doubts. Of course, I still have the “okay, they like me but am I spending too much time in their space” thing but that’s a whole new can of worms.

Okay, this post wasn’t supposed to be headed this way. Let’s get back on track.

So everyone knows Vidyala and Vosskah are awesome right? Because they totally are. I had gotten all sappy about them a long time ago because they’re just fantastic people. They are also the people who completely eased my worries about meeting them before I actually ever did because this happened:

vid message

In ALL CAPS even, which makes it mean even more.

They want to meet me? What? Without me initiating it? What? People don’t do that if they don’t actually want to meet you. Okay, it’s Thursday, I haven’t even made it to the hotel yet and I already know I’m going to be fine. Seriously, that was HUGE. These two… the best. I needed that, I appreciated that and I now totally ❤ them even more than I already did. Kim and I checked into our hotel, Vid and Voss walked over to meet us and we walked somewhere and ate something. BUT MOSTLY I GOT TO HANG OUT WITH VID AND VOSS. Yay!

But of course the day got better because later on we met up in the lobby of the Hilton and were joined by guildies Rhidach and Antigen. We grabbed a table and sat down for some drinks and conversation. Our other guildie who had tickets, Tass (@beartank), didn't arrive until later in the evening but we all got a chance to chill out in Vid's room after the WoW Insider party and the line to pick up our badges. It was awesome. Over the course of the next few days we got to spend more time together as a group, including a small, cozy sushi dinner on Saturday night that was just so fantastic and relaxing.

Because it was all happening so fast and there were so many people and so much stuff going on, I am not even going to try and write down any when and where details for most of the others I met. I likely wouldn't get it right if I tried. But I do have a mostly complete list (I believe) of peeps I got to meet from hanging out in the Hilton and attending the WoW Insider party. I'll use their twitter names to make it easier: @KelistiMMO, @Jasyla, @hestiahdruid, @AppleCiderMage, @Tikari, @orkchop, @MarconinWoW, @Kristin @Jedsblog (meeting him involved much Twitter coordination – yay for Twitter), @beruheals and hubby Brade. I had @AngryOrc and @Sha of Happiness pointed out to me, but they were both swarmed with people and don't know me, so I didn't go over to officially meet them. Though I should have. Just like I should have said hello to Ghostcrawler and Chris Metzen on those occasions when I found myself 2 feet from them. Sigh.

I also had two very exciting meetups on the convention floor; one by accident and one that was a determined wild goose chase. Lol. I came across @Draynee while she was in her amazing costume and I didn't even know it was her. I had stopped to take a picture of her and she totally noticed my custom art badge I had commissioned from Vidyala. She pointed at me and was like "hey, I follow you on twitter". I totally stared at her blankly and said "and you are?". Yep, I'm quite the charmer. But as soon as she told me who she was I was so glad she had recognized my name because I got to say hi and gently steal a hug from her while trying not to mess up the costume in any way. Yay for chance encounters. The wild goose chase involved the wildly popular Navimie. I was determined to meet her before leaving Anaheim so I started tweeting her to try and coordinate locations. We missed each other several times by several minutes each time because so many people wanted to be Navispammed she just didn't stay in one spot very long. But it all worked out and we finally found each other and spent a few minutes gushing at each other. I even got her to pose for a picture which I immediately tweeted out to prove I had been #navispammed irl. Meeting these two was awesome.


Sunday involved a trip to DisneyLand with Kim, Vidyala, BeruHeals and a few others. I’m not actually trying to be secretive in any way about who was there, but I totally never asked them if it was okay for me to blog about it, so I will be cautious and not mention them. There was a group of 8 of us though and it was a really fun day. We rode rides, we watched shows, we ate at The Blue Bayou inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. Just a fantastic time. I’m glad it worked out that we could all go together. All of us girls bought ears to wear. I’m such a nerd, I bought R2D2 mouse ears. I love ’em.


I’m sure I’m missing someone or some detail, but suffice it to say the whole people thing was amazing. If I get a chance to go again, I’ll totally go in a bit braver and will be determined to be less shy so that I can add even more people to my list. Of course, I can’t end my Blizzcon posting without saying a big thank you to my friend Kim, who attended with me and was my roomie for the weekend. Kim and I have been friends for almost 8 years now (and co-workers that entire time as well) and I take total credit for getting her started playing WoW. She isn’t in my guild, doesn’t have a Twitter account or follow any blogs too closely, so she didn’t have the same sort of agenda I had yet she patiently (mostly :P) followed me around so that I could meet all these people. I did mouth her about the fact that she didn’t adjust away from her normal sleeping hours so she crashed out hours before I did every night (srsly, like 7 – 8 pm LOL) and got up hours before me (2 – 3am) but that’s because of her work schedule so it’s just a total habit for her. She’d go to bed and I’d wander over to the Hilton. It worked out fine. I was just glad she was there as my security blanket – someone I knew well and could be comfortable around at a time and in a place where I was nervous about everything. I may even allow her to go again if I get tickets next time. Maybe. 😛

My Blizzcon Experience: Part 1.5

Blizzcon is quickly becoming old news and I still haven’t written my post about all the wonderful people I met, so I apologize in advance for the delay. I hope to have that one published no later than Tuesday so I can move on to talking about other things. Speaking of talking, this post requires very little talking. This is simply where I’m tossing up my cell phone photos that I had taken to update my Facebook page and a few that went out on Twitter. Some of these you’ve not seen before, some of them are almost exact dupes of pics I took with my Nikon.




Inside Hilton lobby on Thursday night

















Accidentally meeting Draynee while checking out her awesome costume

Navispammed irl







Darkmoon Rabbit cosplay


Deluxe fries from food truck




Inside Hilton lobby on Saturday night


My Blizzcon Experience: Part 1

This is lengthy and image heavy. You have been warned.

I get super excited for upcoming events, so of course I had been anxiously anticipating Blizzcon for quite a while before it finally arrived. The closer the dates, the more intense my excitement. However, I’m very annoying in the fact that once said event has actually arrived I feel very natural about being there. I don’t know if that makes sense to anyone or not, but basically there is nothing to anticipate anymore… it is here now and I am in it. This results in me not being the greatest at coming home with amazing stories to tell. People everywhere are asking me “How was Blizzcon” and my response is basically “it was very cool”. I know it annoys people and makes them think maybe I didn’t really enjoy myself, but that’s not the case. I enjoyed myself tremendously. I experienced so many fantastic sights and sounds AND PEOPLE! I don’t like people to have to look at me / be seen with me because I have terrible self esteem but aside from that I am a very social person and I LOVE PEOPLE SO MUCH. So yes, Blizzcon was one of the best things I’ve ever done (and I’ve done a lot of things) and I’m going to try and force myself to tell stories about it here before the memories fade. This post, Part 1, will be more about the trip and the experiences from the convention while my next post will be more about my experiences with guildies, twitter friends, etc.

Might as well start with travel, since that’s obviously the first thing I did. Travel went very well. A friend of mine (Kim), who happens to also be a co-worker, went with me and we flew out early Thursday morning and there were absolutely no delays on any of our flights and no issues whatsoever. We didn’t have to wait on baggage or wait on the shuttle to the hotel or anything. It’s kind of scary how smooth everything went. We even got to check into our room at the Clarion as soon as we arrived, despite the fact we were there 3 hours before official check-in time. The California weather was beautiful, especially when you consider it was 31° F when we left Missouri and our plane had to be de-iced on the runway.

Cali weather

After checking into the hotel we grabbed a quick lunch and then did a little bit of looking around the area. I immediately noticed the flowers resembled birds, but Kim was the one who knew they were actually called Birds of Paradise. I had always heard of them, but had never seen one. They’re very pretty.


After hanging out with my guildies and meeting some Twitter folks in the Hilton lobby, we walked around the block to The Annabella to attend the WoW Insider party. It was a beautiful hotel and the outside area where the party took place was equally as pretty. However, the space was very limiting due to the pool being right smack dab in the middle of everything. I kept waiting for someone to step off into the water accidentally, but I never saw it happen. They also had propane heat lamps every 10 feet on a night where it was in the middle 60’s and people were packed together like sardines. This meant no one could stand to be near the heat lamps so we were all huddled up in little pockets between them, further limiting freedom to move around. But I’m not trying to complain. I’m glad I went.


After hanging out at the party for a while, Kim and I walked over to join the line to pick up our badges. Apparently earlier in the evening the line was ridiculous, but by the time we got over there at approximately 9:00pm, things were moving pretty quick. The line looked long, but we didn’t stand still much and we were done in about 40 minutes. Not too bad considering a lot of people waited for hours. After we got done there, Kim crashed out and I went back to the Hilton to hang out.


Friday morning we got up early, had some hot breakfast at the hotel and walked down to get in line. We actually timed it just right that we didn’t go extremely early, but just early enough to beat most people. We began our wait at the fountain which was pretty close to the front. There ended up being a pretty long line behind us but while waiting we got to see some of the cool costumes come by.

line behind

Eventually the doors opened and the mad rush was on. This being my first Blizzcon I didn’t do a very good job of mapping out where I wanted to be at what times and to make matters worse I had decided to forgo seeing the Opening Ceremonies live so that I could instead rush right over to where the “What’s Next” panel was going to be because I wanted to hear all about the expansion. Unfortunately, I had misread the panel location. I went straight to Hall A and grabbed a seat in front of that stage thinking I was in the right place. The opening ceremonies were fed to all the tv’s, so I got to see it from where I was but then when it was over, the tv I was sitting in front of announced a Diablo panel was coming up next. Turns out the What’s Next panel was in the main hall where the opening ceremonies were and I had gone to the complete opposite end of the building. Fail. I missed it completely.

But that’s okay, we all got a virtual ticket in our goodie bags so I decided to pretty much screw all the panels and enjoy the stuff on the con floor. I took a lot of pictures of the various booths, the banks of computers, the costumes I ran across, the amazing statues there, etc. There’s no way to post them all here and no way to choose which ones you may want to see, so this is where I tell you all of my Blizzcon photos (except for the ones from my cell phone which I will post in a separate blog post here soon) are available for viewing and downloading at Blizzcon 2013 on Flickr. Please feel free to share the link with anyone who may want to see them. Please feel free to leave a comment on any picture to tell me you are in it. You are also free to use these pictures in blog posts or on Twitter as long as you credit me in your post / tweet. Please do not use these pictures for any commercial / advertising use without contacting me and getting my permission. Otherwise, have at ’em.

Day 2 was much the same as Day 1. We simply wandered around and enjoyed the crowds and the atmosphere, trying to make sure we got to see it all. I wrote my name on the Make your Mark board, I got a free tshirt and hat from the Community Corner booth by checking in on Facebook and using the appropriate tag on Twitter. I forgot to mention on Day 1, while we watched some of the Arena Championships, we got to see Conan O’Brien. He was there to help call a few arena matches and he was hilarious, as expected. But for me, my celebrity sighting from Day 2 was one of the highlights of the con. I had gotten up that morning and checked Twitter and happened to notice Felicia Day had tweeted she would be at Blizzcon at the Jinx booth between 2 and 4pm. WHAT???? Woo Hooooo. I put that into my schedule immediately. I knew I wanted to line up early, so I started watching the Jinx booth at around 12:30 to keep an eye on any line that may be forming. Around 1pm, a few people began lining up so I rushed right over and was 6th in line. Less than an hour later, I got to shake her hand and have a quick chat while she signed a copy of The Guild Megaset DVD collection I bought for the purpose. I’ve always been a fan of Felicia’s because she’s just a normal, dorky geek and she cracks me up. I think she’s helped prove that smart, funny, cute girls do geek out and play video games. To me, her presence in the industry is a good thing.


It’s hard to describe what an amazing experience being at an event like this really is. As much as I already loved the game and the community, going to Blizzcon just made me even more excited to be a part of it all. I came home actually wanting to try Starcraft and Hearthstone. Heroes of the Storm looks interesting even though I’ve never played a MOBA type game before and will likely suck at it. I also came home determined to put more time into Diablo III. I had played it for a tiny bit after it launched but never made it past level 13 or so. Not because I didn’t enjoy the game, I just had other games I was more concerned with. But I think I’m finally through dabbling with LotRO, SWTOR, GW2 and TSW. Also, I played some of the Reaper of Souls demo and it reminded me that D3 is quite fun.

I skipped the Closing Ceremony and concert Saturday night and went to a nice, quiet guild dinner which was an excellent choice. Then on Sunday, Kim and I joined some of my friends for a day at Disneyland, also an excellent choice. More about that in the next post as well. We stayed in Anaheim Sunday night and got up early to travel home on Monday. I’m glad I took that extra day and if I get the chance to attend next year (oh man, I hope I do), I will add an extra day onto the front of my trip too. Again we had no delays or issues of any kind with any of our flights. It was a great trip and I’m very fortunate I got to spend time with the people I got to spend time with. My only complaint would be that I didn’t seek out more people or spend more quality time with my guildies and Twitter friends.

Stay tuned for Part 2.

The One Wh…. BLIZZCON!!!

I have Blizzcon brain. If that’s not already a known medical condition, it should be. Unfortunately, because of my Blizzcon brain, I am not able to accurately describe the symptoms. Basically my anticipation and excitement have been ramping up at such astronomical levels recently that my brain is just sort of swollen and numb. I am so excited, I can no longer express any excitement. Does that make sense? I mean, I’m spending all this money to travel halfway across the country to celebrate a video game and the sheer joy of knowing I get to do that has affected my brain in such a way that I’ve only played this game I’m celebrating about 3 hours in the past week. Do you know why, because every time I sit down to play I go all BLIZZCON!!!

I did, however, manage to have a rare stroke of luck and on Monday evening when I logged in I immediately traveled to the Darkmoon Faire and as soon as I zoned in someone announced the Darkmoon Rabbit was up. I had never seen him, dead or alive. I immediately whispered the dude and ran straight over there. We killed him with approx. 13 people and I lost the roll on the pet by 3. But I wasn’t too upset. I didn’t really expect to get the pet on my first ever kill. I sure was excited to finally get the achievement though.

darkmoon rabbit

As soon as we were through there, someone announced Moonfang would be up in a few minutes. Unlike the rabbit, I have killed Moonfang several times; but I ran straight over there so I could have another chance at Moon Moon. While we waited a few minutes for the spawn I was going through my inventory and I randomly decided to trigger Rime of the Time-Lost Mariner because ghostly skeleton pirates are cool. Next thing I know, someone near me had set down a Brazier of Dancing Flames and this weird combo happened. Everyone got a big laugh out of it.

ghost dancer

Oh, and hey – in less than 12 hrs I will be in the air. Have I mentioned I’m excited? ‘Cause I totally am. Kim and I are going to have so much fun.

The One Where I Could Watch This All Day

Yep, I’m still alive. Been busy catching up on work, finishing up my Online Gaming class and preparing for Blizzcon. However, I did take quite a bit of time this morning to enjoy this.
