Posts tagged ‘total silliness’

IntPiPoMo 2014: It’s Just A Little Spider

First of all, let me just say if you are reading this post through a feed reader or email, etc, you should really take a quick minute to hop over to my blog directly and check out my new updated look. The background & header have been changed to reflect the Warlords era and the theme color has changed to match them. It looks fantastic, if I do say so myself.

Now, down to business. We’re more than halfway through the month and I’ve only posted 5 pictures for IntPiPoMo when the goal is 50. I’m such a slacker. But honestly, I’m too damn busy playing the game to bother writing blog posts and also, I wanted to give everyone a little bit of time to see things so that none of my screenshots were spoilers. Which is why I’m going to start off a bit generic here and show you screenshots of an NPC conversation that is not relevant to gameplay or storyline. This is simply something I stumbled across while wandering around; one of those auto conversations between non-essential NPCs that gets repeated on a loop. Luckily as I was running by them on a way to complete a quest, the word spider caught my eye and I stopped to take a look. What I found was hilarious.







Throwback Thursday – Welcome To The Firelands (Guns-N-Roses Style)

Work stuff is happening fast right now which means blogging is taking the hit. Since I used to be funnier than I currently am and I have some new followers who may not have read the old stuff, I’m going to start tossing out a few throwback Thursdays.

This was originally posted on 07-15-2011. Enjoy!

Welcome To The Firelands (Guns-N-Roses Style)

This is meant to be read (or screamed) to the tune of Welcome to the Jungle by Guns n Roses.

Welcome to the Firelands,
They got ash and flames.
They got all the gear you want
You should go check out their raids
They are the people that supply
All the dailies you may need
They will help you earn some money, honey
And some Marks of the World Tree

In the Firelands
Welcome to the Firelands
Watch it bring you to your sha na na na na na knees, knees
They got what you need

Welcome to the Firelands
You’ll be stuck here every day
If you wanna pwn the noobs you meet
That’s the price you gotta pay
You may be a very special toon
You may think you’re pretty leet
You may think you’re going to steal phat loot
But you won’t get that shit for free

In the Firelands
Welcome to the Firelands
Feel my, my, my hunter’s serpent sting
I, I wanna hear you scream

Welcome to the Firelands
There are quests here every day
You learn to kill certain animals
In the Firelands where we play
If you get enough Marks of the Tree
You’ll be geared up eventually
You can buy anything you want
Could you please buy some for me?

In the Firelands
Welcome to the Firelands
The lag will bring you to your sha na na na na na knees, knees
But they have what you need

And when you’re done you’ll never
Want to come back around, around, around, around, YEAH!

You know where you are?
You’re in the Firelands baby
Somebody’s gonna die
In the Firelands
Welcome to the Firelands
Watch it bring you to your sha na na na na na knees, knees
In the Firelands
Welcome to the Firelands
Feel my, my, my hunter’s serpent sting
In the Firelands
Welcome to the Firelands
Watch it bring you to your sha na na na na na knees, knees
In the Firelands
Welcome to the Firelands
Watch it bring you to your
It’s gonna bring you down

Fun Times With Friends

Last month I was thrilled to receive an email from a dear friend who I don’t get to talk to very often these days. It was an email addressed to a group of a us that had all ran together back in the day on various servers, in various guilds & even in other games. She was suggesting we pick a night to plan to hang out together and catch up with each other and just have fun. What an awesome idea. To make things simple, after everyone chipped in some suggestions, it was decided we would do some sort of level 1 gnome race through Azeroth because even those of us who had left WoW for good could roll a new toon for free and participate.

December 14th was chosen as the date and Mumble server information was shared. I was so excited and couldn’t wait for the 14th to get here. I missed hanging out with this group of people and the occasional tweets and random gtalk chats with a few of the members just wasn’t enough. Being able to spend a couple of hours in Mumble would be brilliant. Unfortunately, as the date approached, my company holiday party ended up being that same night. Holiday party starting at 7pm, naked gnome race at 8pm. So I had to split my time a bit between the two and I went to the holiday party from 6:30pm (yeah, first one in the door trying to get my time in) to approx. 08:15 pm and then arrived back home and logged into WoW and Mumble to join the gang at about 8:30ish pm.

I had told them beforehand not to wait on me, so when I finally joined they had gotten their gnomes over to Kalimdor and were racing to the Dire Maul meeting stone. Most of them were in Stonetalon Mountains when I arrived so I ended up rolling a Night Elf real quick to sorta catch up and I headed that way.

Yep, I was the last to arrive at the meeting stone but they didn’t have to wait on me more than 10 -15 minutes or so. There wasn’t a lot of screenshots because there were so many deaths and different routes being taken not a lot of us were grouped up together. Especially me, bringing up the rear. But just talking to these guys in Mumble and laughing together and making fun of each other … it was awesome. It did my heart some good. It was a brilliant idea & I am very grateful I got the chance to participate.

Here’s a screenshot of some of us at the meeting stone. It should be easy to spot the beloved brat who initiated the email and was our fearless leader. Just like the old days. She’s so amazing she just hovers above us all. Lol. Good times. Great friends. Loved it.

gnome race

Then on Sunday evening I happened to be in the right place at the right time and was invited to join my guildies Supp and Ulla for a little time spent working on specific achievements through Heroic scenarios. They were trying to complete specific ones they were missing & needed a warm body to queue. I have done heroic scenarios maybe only a total of 15 times and most of those were on my Troll, so I just followed along and didn’t worry about trying to complete certain objectives. Of course, when you’ve barely done anything and then you’re in a group doing very specific thing, achievements will happen. Thanks again for the fun times, Supp and Ulla. I really appreciate it.

scenario cheeves

And The Winner Is ….

For worst designed path to flightmaster in all of WoW – (drumroll please) – Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands

Here’s a detailed look into how this was chosen as the winner!

Coming in HOT! Nope, forgot to jump
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-11-51-95

Jumped! Oh, fuck me
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-12-21-93

Coming back around! MOVE YOU FUCKING BIRD
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-12-59-70

Woo, I got this now! OMG, it’s Deadman’s Curve
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-12-48-34

I can see the top! Nope, forgot to jump
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-13-56-30

Jumped! Oh, fuck me
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-14-00-55

Coming in HOT! A little too hot…
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-13-25-53

Screw you Deadman’s Curve! Oh fml, hang on
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-13-33-16

VICTORY! And only 20 seconds faster than it would have taken me to run to Stormwind
Wow-64 2013-11-26 12-15-40-60

The One Where I Could Watch This All Day

Yep, I’m still alive. Been busy catching up on work, finishing up my Online Gaming class and preparing for Blizzcon. However, I did take quite a bit of time this morning to enjoy this.


The One Where I’m …. Flattered?

I, uh … I have had the… uh, pleasure(?) of having a battle pet named after me by my bff, Grace.


For those who know me only as Elfi, my real name is Kristy, people call me Kris, and Grace and I actually met in SWTOR where my character name was Kristalys. My level 90 Troll druid that I use to run around with Grace in-game is Krisstalys, so she’s never really known me as Elfi. I think I’m grateful for that because filthyelfi would somehow be worse. Lol.

Ice, Ice, Baby

It’s not what you think. I am simply announcing that I now have an ice baby pet. After my post about the Frostscythe’s on Monday, good ole Frost Lord Ahune coughed up… well, he coughed up another Frostscythe for Elfi actually. On Monday night, that is. Yep, I went in there wearing one and came out and sold my new, extra one. But then on Tuesday night, I pulled Ice Chip out of my bag of goodies. It took me all of 3 seconds to name him and drag him to Stormwind for screenshots. Then I got to work many hours of overtime yesterday and didn’t get around to posting about it.

By now you may be wondering why I said I dragged my pet to Stormwind for screenshots. Or, more accurately, by now you may be bored. But I won’t let that stop me from explaining why so many of my screenshots are taken in Stormwind. Please do try to keep up with the process I am about to explain and feel free to look up any technical terms I may use which you may not be familiar with. You see, the reason I take so many screenshots in Stormwind is … well, it’s because … the light there is pretty good and there are plenty of white flat-topped, square-shaped things you can stand on the top of so there’s not much in the background to make my shots look poopy.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email. I’ve taken the liberty of saving a .txt file with this valuable information and I would be more than happy to send you one for only $5.

ice chip

The One With All The Frostscythe Frenzy

Last year, I got the Frostscythe on Elfi when it was a slight upgrade for her so I wore it for a few weeks just to make people jealous and then I threw it in the bank. But of course, now that the Midsummer Fire Festival is upon us again I totally dug it out of the bank, brushed it off and transmogged that bitch faster than you can say “wow, she really transmogged that bitch fast”. While I do think it looks pretty cool, it’s not my preferred weapon transmog and I’ll likely change back in a few weeks. Until then, I’m going to do nothing but stand in Stormwind and make sure everyone that walks by without one gets a good eyeful. 😛

nelf scythe

Obviously I’m just joking (totally not joking) about that because I am not the type of person who spends a lot of time bragging and trying to make people feel bad. By the way, have I mentioned yet that my Death Knight got the Frostscythe Saturday night on her very first Ahune kill ever? Yep. There won’t be any pictures of her like the one above though, because she couldn’t equip it. That’s right, most people can’t get one to drop and I’m vendoring mine. Kinda sad.

Really the only reason I am even running the holiday dungeon every day is for the chance at the Ice Chip pet. I already had my Frostscythe from last year and while the Valor Points are nice I could always get them elsewhere. I just like collecting pets. I realized this morning I have a level 90 druid on the Horde side who’s never killed Ahune and I should totally be doing that fight on all 3 of my level 90 toons if I wanted to maximize my chances. (Yes, I’m a dork and rarely think to have my other toons do stuff). It was a painful 28 minute queue, but the fight itself went pretty quick. My Troll doesn’t get played very much so she has pretty crappy gear still and her dps isn’t anything to write home about. Which is why I was excited the cloak in the chest was an upgrade for me and I was the only one who selected “need”. So my gear improved. I didn’t get the pet, but I’ve still got plenty of time to run ALL THREE toons through every day for a while. Oh, and did I mention that Kristalys also received a Frostscythe? Hahahahahaha. It’s like a Frostscythe Frenzy up in my world. The good news is, unlike the DK, my Troll Druid can and will actually use it. In fact, it was a pretty significant weapon upgrade for her. Check out the bling.

troll scythe