Posts tagged ‘transmog’

The One Where I Gave Up My Red Hair

I absolutely love the color red. Not only is it my favorite color, but you can actually sell me all sorts of shit I don’t need just by presenting it to me in red. I’m sitting at my desk at work right now and just in a quick glance I see a red pencil holder filled with red pens and pencils, a red water mug, my red lunch cooler, my red tupperware sitting on top of my cooler, my red mouse pad, my phone’s red case… I could go on. It’s probably a bit ridiculous, but I don’t care. My Nikon 3100 DSL is even red.

Obviously I love the color red in my video games too, though it’s easier to theme things red on the Horde side than on the Alliance side. Which is why when I faction changed my Worgen druid to a Troll druid several months ago, I was excited to be able to choose bright red hair. I wish all my characters could have bright red hair, it makes me sad. I know there are several races that are able to have a natural red hair color, but I don’t actually care for that color. I want the true red. The fire engine, superman’s cape color of red. It was my favorite thing about my troll.

But you know what else I’ve discovered I love? Transmogging. And I have recently completed a transmog set for my troll where the items look so good together I voluntarily changed my hair color away from red to match my outfit. Yes, it’s that big of a deal. It’s such a big deal, I had to show it off to you guys. I think the hair color makes the whole thing even more awesome looking because it’s seriously like an exact match. Also, while I do like the staff I’m carrying (it’s a kick as staff with bonus animation) I would be interested in finding one that goes along with the pale green color scheme a bit more so if you have any ideas, let me know.

Here are the pictures of the transmog outfit I gave up my red hair for and a list of items can be found below the pics.




Head = Runic Leather Headband
Shoulder = Epaulets of the Fateful Accord
Chest = Lunar Eclipse Robes (different colors depending on faction)
Wrists = Contender’s Leather Bracers
Hands = Embossed Leather Gloves
Waist = Melador’s Mercurial Wrap
Staff = Sulfur Stave

One advantage to wearing a robe is I don’t have to transmog my pants.
One advantage to being a troll is my boots don’t show. (not actually an advantage, I hate my troll feet)
One advantage to not displaying your cloak is … your cloak doesn’t display.

The One Where I Finally Have My First Complete Transmog

In my continued tradition of remaining far behind the trend with things in-game, I have finally completed my first full transmog set. My beloved Elfi is, of course, the recipient as I would feel very guilty tricking out one of my alts before showing Elfi some tender loving care. Now, it’s not perfect; the professional transmoggers out there should probably not look too closely. The belt could probably be better and the red shirt I am wearing underneath is a bit too bright causing a slight color mismatch. Luckily, you can only see a slight glimpse of it right above the gloves so it doesn’t bother me at all. I did try just removing the shirt, but seeing a flash of skin there did bother me, so I put my shirt back on and have decided to leave it like it is. Honestly, I’m very happy with it. I’ve been wearing it for about 3 days now and every time I shift out of moonkin form and see my fancy red clothes, I always stop to proudly admire how awesome I look. Like I said, it’s not the most professional set but it was easy to obtain and didn’t cost a lot. I am completely thrilled with it.

Here are pictures of front, back and with tabard. Below the pictures you will find WoWhead links to the items.

transmog front

transmog back

tabard transmog

List of items:
Head slot = Imposing Bandana
Shoulder slot = Wyrmhide Spaulders – DRUID ONLY
Back slot = Ancient Bloodmoon Cloak
Chest slot = Wyrmhide Robe – DRUID ONLY
Hand slot = Wyrmhide Gloves – DRUID ONLY
Waist slot = Prospector’s Sash
Leg slot = Wyrmhide Legguards
Feet slot = Bard’s Boots
Weapon slot = Key to the Planes
* I just realized while typing this up I didn’t do anything with my bracers, but I’m guessing they’re not visible because I’m not noticing an issue