Posts tagged ‘hairstyles’

The One Where I Gave Up My Red Hair

I absolutely love the color red. Not only is it my favorite color, but you can actually sell me all sorts of shit I don’t need just by presenting it to me in red. I’m sitting at my desk at work right now and just in a quick glance I see a red pencil holder filled with red pens and pencils, a red water mug, my red lunch cooler, my red tupperware sitting on top of my cooler, my red mouse pad, my phone’s red case… I could go on. It’s probably a bit ridiculous, but I don’t care. My Nikon 3100 DSL is even red.

Obviously I love the color red in my video games too, though it’s easier to theme things red on the Horde side than on the Alliance side. Which is why when I faction changed my Worgen druid to a Troll druid several months ago, I was excited to be able to choose bright red hair. I wish all my characters could have bright red hair, it makes me sad. I know there are several races that are able to have a natural red hair color, but I don’t actually care for that color. I want the true red. The fire engine, superman’s cape color of red. It was my favorite thing about my troll.

But you know what else I’ve discovered I love? Transmogging. And I have recently completed a transmog set for my troll where the items look so good together I voluntarily changed my hair color away from red to match my outfit. Yes, it’s that big of a deal. It’s such a big deal, I had to show it off to you guys. I think the hair color makes the whole thing even more awesome looking because it’s seriously like an exact match. Also, while I do like the staff I’m carrying (it’s a kick as staff with bonus animation) I would be interested in finding one that goes along with the pale green color scheme a bit more so if you have any ideas, let me know.

Here are the pictures of the transmog outfit I gave up my red hair for and a list of items can be found below the pics.




Head = Runic Leather Headband
Shoulder = Epaulets of the Fateful Accord
Chest = Lunar Eclipse Robes (different colors depending on faction)
Wrists = Contender’s Leather Bracers
Hands = Embossed Leather Gloves
Waist = Melador’s Mercurial Wrap
Staff = Sulfur Stave

One advantage to wearing a robe is I don’t have to transmog my pants.
One advantage to being a troll is my boots don’t show. (not actually an advantage, I hate my troll feet)
One advantage to not displaying your cloak is … your cloak doesn’t display.