Flowchart Fun

Okay, since I seem to always be in the blogging mood at work and I am now unable to blog at work, I thought I’d give the free WordPress for Android app a try. I won’t really know how well this does or does not work until I can get home in 4 hours and see for myself. Here goes nothing.

I now present a flowchart of a typical day in Elfi’s World. It is a hand-drawn flowchart and for some stupid reason I titled it about Elfi’s inner thoughts. But that’s not accurate. This is actually an account of what I do with my time in-game. I drew it up & then took a picture of it with my cellphone. Lol. It’s like redneck high tech around here.

click to embiggen

Comments on: "Flowchart Fun" (4)

  1. Kimber said:

    I’m already giggling because I can see “Insult Kimber.” I knew it!! Clearly, you make it a point every single day to insult me.
    If you didn’t crack me up while cutting me to the bone I’d probably have to kill you.

  2. I’m not sure it’s a good thing that that pretty much exactly describes how most people I know spend the first hour of their online time 😛 Just change the names and it’s spot on! Great work, think I will have to relink it somewhere to make people aware… of something.
    (ps, your handwriting totally rocks mine).

    • Lol. I’m glad I’m not the only crackhead who does this. And thanks for the handwriting compliment, it’s actually a tad sloppy because I was rushing it.

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