I have been sick with a sinus infection since late Sunday night and the fever, constant pressure in my head and the buckets of snot that streamed out of my nose (tee hee, sorry for that) kept me from wanting to sit up straight and login to the game. I did not go to the doctor, choosing instead to self-medicate with a cocktail blend of random medicines. I get these types of infections every February/March and October/November. After spending 3 days rotating between 2 different cough syrups and some 12 hour psuedoephedrine pills, I finally got the pressure in my head to clear up and I began feeling a bit better. Which meant that last night I felt like logging in.

However, I’m now wondering if that was a mistake. I spent about 3 hours in-game and I don’t remember much. I do recall doing the Son of Glop quest in Deepholm and flying into walls and objects every time I turned around. I did a bit of AH work and some transmutes. I’m pretty sure I remember picking up apples for the cooking daily. But most of it’s a blur. All I know for sure is I must have been pretty delirious because I apparently tabbed out for several minutes and typed up what I am about to share with you. I really don’t know what part of my medicated brain it came from, but I’m guessing it’s the part of my brain that developed in the 80’s and liked Madonna. I apologize in advance.

Like a Worgen

I made it through Gilneas
Somehow I made it through
But not before the beasts got to me
Now I’m a Worgen too

I have fleas, and huge teeth
You would think this would make me blue
But my fancy top hat
Yeah, my fancy top hat
Is shiny and new

Like a Worgen
Running wild for the very first time
Like a Worgen
I will sniff you, while we’re standing in line…

Comments on: "I’ve Been Sick, It’s Made Me Delirious" (9)

  1. haha. i just retooled Cee Lo’s “Eff you” in honor of our next patch w/o pills 🙂 Feel better soon.

  2. Haha, I laughed. Silly worgen. 😀

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by fallen tree and Alastriona , elfindale. elfindale said: I've Been Sick, It's Made Me Delirious http://wp.me/p1ilw4-pn […]

  4. Nice poem!

    Especially like the little poem at the!

    Usually when I’m tired or Ill and try to play WoW, I up running around in circles making myself even mire nauseous XD

    – Jamin

  5. I want to know if you also blame ‘howsy’ on this.

    (I DO still think I’m funny!)

  6. […] you venture over to Elfi’s World, I recommend checking out how she uses her worgen to channel Madonna, or perhaps take a gander at her weekly screenshots. She offers some great advice on ways to […]

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