Between Wildstar betas and general life busyness, I haven’t been playing as much WoW lately as I’ve wanted to. I still have a whole list of things I want to get done on Elfi and other toons before WoD and while we certainly aren’t getting WoD anytime soon, I’m never going to get my list done at the rate I’ve been going lately. Then there’s the fact that the when I was logged in this weekend, I decided to randomly work on something that wasn’t on my list. I don’t even understand me.

Actually, I do understand me. I’m addicted to finding dark soil. I’ve talked about this before. So even though Morissa only exists to farm ore and make gems for Elfi, I decided she needed to finally become best friends with the Tillers. I popped down to the Darkmoon Faire for my xp buff and spent a few hours happily digging up ruby shards and lovely apples.

Jogu the Drunk was the last one I finished up and once he and I were best friends I accidentally asked him if he wanted to stay at the pond on my farm. I knew it would be horribly rude to immediately change my mind, so I decided to let him go ahead and wander over and I’d tell him later he couldn’t stay. Apparently it’s a good thing I had already planned on asking him to leave because I soon discovered that Suess (my funicular goat mount I won from a contest) did not think too much of having this drunk dude wallowing around in our pond.

embiggen to see the goat’s look of disgust
Jogu the drunk

Comments on: "The One Where The Goat Disapproves" (4)

  1. LOL! That goat is apparently a member of the Goat Temperance Movement!

  2. LOL Jogu probably added a few ounces of alcohol to that water too with as much as he drinks. Love the screenshot – the goat looks terribly displeased.

  3. Hi Elfi! I am Anou, author over at Diary of a Gnome Spy. I discovered your website recently, and I really enjoy reading your posts! Love the layout of your site, too, the background image is AMAZING! 😀

    If you don’t mind, I’ve added you to my blogroll, and also… I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award!

    Glad to read you!

    • Thanks so much for all your kind words, Anou. So very nice to meet you. I have not been blogging much lately compared to the past few years (time constraints) but I still read a lot of blogs & I’m happy to add yours to my list of reads. I will also get you added to my blogroll soon.

      I have been reading Liebster Award posts all over my favorite blogs for a while now and since I am trying to work on blogging more regularly again, I appreciate the fact that you nominated me. It might take me several days to get it done, but I will gladly do it.

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