Liebster Award
In the comments of my last blog post, the kind-hearted Anou from Diary of a Gnome Spy nominated me for a Liebster Award. I have not been blogging much lately at all but I have been reading Liebster Award posts all over my favorite blogs, so I was completely familiar with it but never expected to see myself nominated. Also very happy that I was introduced to a new blog in the process, as I had not read Diary of a Gnome Spy before but have now added it to my feed. Thanks, Anou.

So the rules are (in addition to my paragraph above) I’m supposed to answer the 11 questions Anou provided me with, provide 11 random facts about myself and then nominate 5 bloggers and write questions for them. Well, I hate to be that person, but I am choosing not to nominate 5 other blogs. I apologize. It’s just that I feel it’s been spread through the community really well by now and one of the reasons my blog posts have diminished is due to time constraints so I am selfishly choosing not to take the time to write 11 new questions and find 5 blogs that haven’t been nominated yet. It’s nothing personal.

My answer to Anou’s questions:

1. Which is your favorite in-game quest line? Like, one you don’t want to miss on any alts as you level up?
Hands down, it’s Gnomebliteration

2. Have you ever just spontaneously started to role play; for example, stood around some tables in an inn and offered to take peoples’ order?
I haven’t ever actually role played in a traditional sense, but I certainly try to avoid running into people or standing on top of people at all. Additionally, all of my different characters do have their own personalities and each dress a certain way and ride specific mounts, etc. That’s probably not typical of people who don’t rp at all, so it makes me think it’s a tiny bit of rp I do.

3. What music do you chose to listen to, to accompany you in your epic battles? Do you play with the game music on? Or do you mute music and play your own in the background?
Weirdly enough, I’m a huge music lover but I don’t play any music while gaming. When I’m at the computer I am usually gaming on one monitor and trying to keep up with Twitter on the other monitor as well as catch up on blogs and news.

4.Were you a gaming virgin before your adventures in WoW, like me? Or had you already played other games, or MMO’s previously?
I was not a gaming virgin as I had played years of console games and I had played a few pc games such as Myst and The Dagger of Amon Ra. WoW was my first ever mmo (because I’m not counting 2 weeks of Runescape).

5. In your opinion, should Worgens have been added to the Horde’s races, or are they suited to be Alliance?
Of course they’re suited for the Alliance… they’re werewolves which means they are humans who become / shape-shift into wolves. The legend of the werewolf is clearly what Blizzard based Worgens off of, further evident in the fact that you can choose to shift to your human form when not in combat. I never have understood why people think they should be Horde. They have to be the same faction as humans

6. If you were brave enough to display your colors publicly, what symbol or quote could someone see stuck to your car’s bumper?
I actually already have an Alliance symbol, a bumper sticker that says “My other car is an EPIC mount” and a bumper sticker that says “My ❤ belongs to Stormwind"

7. Say you were an über rogue and could stealth past anything, what would you do/where would you go first?
I’m not certain if this means in game or outside of game, but I’m going to answer it outside of game. I would say I’d use my stealth ability to sneak into Blizzcon because going last year was totally amazing and I’d love to be able to get back there again.

8. Do you have a favorite companion pet out at all times? If so, is it always the same one? How do you choose?
I switch my pets out quite often and each toon will use different pets because of different personalities. Some of my favorites are a sapphire cub given to me by a friend, the cynder kitty given to me by a friend, my sewer rat from Dalaran named Chewie, my Netherwhelp Hatchling because they’re rare, my vampiric batling named Vinnie from Prince Tenris MirkBlood in Karazan

9. What is your #1 in-game pass-time? Auction farming? Transmogs? Being trendy in Trade chat? Exploring old zones? (etc.)
Either herbing or mining while just enjoying chatting with my guildies and friends

10. Is there a piece of art somewhere in game, a sculpture, a painting, that caught your interest and opened your eyes to the tiny details of WoW?
I suppose it would have to be the Darnassus bank since Elfi was my first ever character and that’s the first major city she came to. Once the tree that contains the bank came into view and I noticed it was shaped as a bear and bird, I was totally awed.

11. What real life thing do you tend to set aside for WoW?

Now it’s time for 11 random facts about me:

1. I am left handed but I wear my watch on my left wrist (and I wear it with the watch face turned to the bottom of my wrist). For some reason people think this is weird. Apparently you’re supposed to wear your watch on the opposite hand because it gets in the way while writing. Even weirder that I wear my watch basically upside down. But here’s something you should know … when you’re left handed the fact that you live in a right handed world and you have to sit in school desks built to support your right hand and use a spiral notebook that’s spiraled on the left side already make it fucking difficult to write. My watch isn’t making it any harder.

I’m glad we could have this talk. Moving on.

2. I’ve been dragged from my house in my pajamas, handcuffed, read my rights, shoved into a cop car and hauled to jail. When I got there I was fingerprinted, mugshotted and actually handcuffed to a concrete bench. If you’re interested in finding out why, you can read the whole story HERE

3. I spent several years in my 20’s writing dark, twisted poetry. It’s probably stuff that everyone else would think is stupid, but I’ve kept them all and I still enjoy reading them.

4. While pregnant with me my mom craved watermelon and ate it constantly. While I do like watermelon flavoring in candy, I do not ever have any desire to eat watermelon

5. Had I been born a boy, my first and middle name were going to be John Denver because those were the first names of both grandfathers. Thankfully I am a girl.

6. In high school I was voted “Most Intelligent”. Hahahahaha. Not nearly as impressive when you learn my graduating class consisted of a whopping 33 people.

7. I cry more for pride than I do for sadness. I can see a dead rabbit on the road and forget about it in seconds but I cry like a baby every time the National Anthem is played or when I watch 1st graders sing a Christmas program, etc. And anything military related? Forget about it, I’m sobbing.

8. I tend to be overly wordy in written forms of communication (not that you guys could tell, right?) but in person I’m pretty quiet and don’t say much. Unless I’m zinging someone with some quick sarcasm.

9. My eyes have changed colors and still do sort of change colors. I was born with blue eyes and had bright blue eyes until my early 20’s when they changed to grey eyes with dark blue around the outside edges. In my 30’s they shifted from grey lined in blue to a sort of hazel. Except mine are flecked with green, gray and blue instead of green, gray and brown like typical hazel eyes. The dominant color seems to depend on what shirt I’m wearing.

10. I’ve never once solved a Rubik’s cube without taking it apart and rebuilding it solved

11. My favorite food is ice cream. Oh, and donuts. Also hamburgers.

Comments on: "The One With Random Facts About Me" (6)

  1. I too am left-hander and only recently read that I’m supposed to be wearing my watch on my right wrist which I don’t. Exactly! As if the watch could make anything harder than all the other right-handed stuff we have to live with! Deep breath … whew … you got my left-handed activist going, lol.

  2. There is so much I want to comment on. And I haven’t had time to sit through and read it all at once, having to get up for kids and stuff. Now it’s bedtime. But you can bet your pyjama bottoms and bed head that I will be returning tomorrow! lol Great post btw!!! 😀

  3. First off, I really have to say how much I love your blog’s design/layout. I am totally jelly! 🙂

    I will terminate this now overly long comment with one word. Hamburgers. Mmmmmm ❤

  4. And, um, for some reason it only posted my first and last paragraphs? That was a really long post. 😦

    • OH NO! I wanted to read a really long comment too. I had been waiting to see what you were going to say. 😦
      Any chance you feel like trying again?

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